Student and Faculty Dress Codes


Although they have continued to provoke some controversy, school dress codes have become commonplace in primary and secondary schools.

But at the college level, dress codes would seem very anachronistic. So, when I came across a small item that suggested that a student dress code had been proposed but not adopted at Purdue University, I was intrigued. I could not find any articles that substantiated that small item, but it indicated that the dress code proposed at Purdue was modeled on one adopted by Illinois State University, and I did find the following article on ISU’s dress code, which was narrower in scope than what the initial item implied. In September 2007, Jodi S. Cohen’s article “Illinois State Department Relaxes Stiff Dress Code” appeared in the Chicago Tribune:

“Illinois State University marketing students no longer will get kicked out of class for wearing flip­flops or jeans. But dressing down…

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